The funniest day with anna

Created by linda wilson 8 years ago
Years ago Anna and myself were down at Ali, my horse and sparky Anna's ponys, field and my car typically wouldn't start, Anna being Anna said, "we can bump start it". I thought perfect let's do it, the only thing was the car had to be pushed backwards up a, let's just say not small was steep.. Anna put her back into it and pushed me in the car up the hill...I pulled the hand break in and Anna stepped aside, "ok sis go for it" she said but nope, the car wouldn't again breathing heavier Anna pushed me and the car back up again..still nothing, on the third try and failure I dropped my head into my hands on the stearing wheel, laughing but also a little scared, I realized I hadnt turned the ignition on. I very quickly locked the door but Anna being Anna laughed and Said "I don't believe it" . We did get home ..she was a super star....and strong, omg she was so strong in more ways than she knew....luv ye big sis, miss ye like